Thursday, May 3, 2012

Type  01.1  You will Having all Types on ""   soon

Making manual Ticket Mumbai to London journey type is Oneway and class is Economy(Y)
1.Manual Ticket Fare calculations
  • This ticket is going to be prepared from India
  • So country of origin is India
  • This ticket going to be issued from India
  • So country of ticket issue is India
  • This journey is one way and the class is Economy so write on TYPE OF JOURNEY as OW and the Economy class Code Y then which is OW/Y
  • And now we have to check for Indian currency conversion rate from PAT
Which is 48.72000 and the rounding unit is 5, currency code is INR move to  itinerary table
  • and write the cities on the itinerary column, write only city codes BOM for Mumbai, LON for London
  • After writing LHR on next row mark a dash(-)
  • Make circle around BOM, LON and –
  • Mark  areas on last column
  • Check for distance between BOM and LON and  write  that Distance  on TPM (Ticketed Point Mileage)
  • Now check MPM (Maximum Permitted Mileage) on pat book from BOM to LON, and write it on MPM column
  • Which is 5660 and routing is Eastern Hemisphere (EH)
3.third step is GDS entry
  • According to Amadeus GDS which is FQP BOM/ A AI LON

4. Now move to next step
  • First write the sectors those  are  BOM LON
  • Then write FCP (Fare Construction Point) which is origin to Fare Construction Point,LON BOM
  • Write the routing which is Eastern Hemisphere so write EH
  • Then write NUC (Neutral Unit of Construction) which is referred from PAT (Passenger Air Tariff) and which amount is 1123.73
  • Then write HIP-FARES (NUC) which should be written as “BOM LON  OW/Y NUC1123.73
  • Then move to RULE here we don’t have any rules so RULE is NIL
  • Then  write TPMS which total Ticketed Point Mileage so which amount is
  • Then write MPM which is 5660
  • Then move to EMA (“Extra Mileage Allowance”/ Specified Routings) which is NILThen EMS (Excess Mileage Surcharge) which is TPM/MPM = xxxx/5660 which is less than one so EMS is M (Refer Alternative Formula Table)
  • On HIP write just NO-HIP because here we don’t have any higher intermediate points actually here we don’t have any intermediate points
  •  Then AF1 which means Applicable Fare formula is EMS X NUC so which is M1123.73

5.Writing The E-ticket fare calculation
  • Step  1 say the date of  ticketing is  1stNovember2011 then write it as 01NOV11
  • Step  2 Next write the origin city (journey starting city) which is Mumbai so write the city code BOM
  • Step  3 Then write the carrier (airline) between Mumbai(BOM) to London(LON) say which is Air India so write which two letter designator code AI
  • Step  4 Then write the arrival city which is London so write LON
  • Step  5 next write the AF1 (Applicable Fare 1) which is M1123.73
  • Step  6 Now Write the total NUC amount which is NUC1123.73
  • Step  7 And write END to state that you have completed the fare calculation
  • Step  8  One more step is there which is ROE (Rate Of Exchange) here we have to write the origin ROE so which is ROE48.72000
  • Finally you may have this
  • 01NOV11BOM AI LON M1123.73NUC1123.73END ROE48.72000  (Remember here No Space between Alpha and number but space between Alpha to Alpha)

6.Now jump to calculate the fare
  • Firs write the TOTAL which is here Total amount of NUC means NUC and AF amount then which will be like this NUC1123.73 yes it is that
  •  Then write the origin ROE (IROE-IATA Rate Of Exchange) which can be referred from PAT book ( Passenger Air Tariff) then it is 48.72000 (refer PAT- Currency conversion rates)
  • Write the rounding Unit on Rounding unit which is 5 (refer PAT- Currency conversion rates)
  • Now LCF which is the last price LCF means Local Currency Fare formula is TOTAL X ROE then it is 1123.73 X 48.72000 so which is INR 54748.125 and the rounding unit of Indian ROE is 5 So the final price is INR 547450
  • Here BSR is NIL

7.Move to fare Calculation Box
  • On From/To column write cities were journey continues which is BOM,LON
  • On Carrier column write Airline which is Indian Airways so write the two letter codeAI
  • On fare calculation column first write the EMS which is M
  • Below that write the total NUC which is 1123.73
  • On ROE write the ROE which is here 48.72000
  • On TOTAL FARE CALCULATION write TOTAL which is here NUC1123.73
  • Finally write the final price which is INR 547450
  • Other columns fill if possible

  • Draw the journey Map below MAP title.
 You will Having all Types on "" soon

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